Friday, September 13, 2024

A Presidential Running Mate, Does It Matter?

While many people don't think it matters who a presidential candidate chooses as a running mate, it kinda does. This becomes even more important if they are up in age or in bad health. After witnessing the rapid decline of Joe Biden, the importance of who will step into the Oval Office if the need arises should be elevated. 

Over the years, most Presidential candidates have selected running mates that few Americans would be comfortable proclaiming as our President. The criteria for a running mate varies, some candidates select someone from an area they need to win, others to heal a wound in their party,  and some to fill another niche they think needs to be filled. 

The most important factor here is what it says about the leader of the ticket's values and judgment. The speculation is that Kamala Harris picked Tim Walz because she loved his governing record in Minnesota. Also, his biography and record of winning tough races resonated with her. Most of all, she just really liked him. Still, that does not mean he is a good choice.

It could be argued that of the four candidates on the Presidential / Vice-President ballot, Vance is the sharpest of the four and the most fit to serve. This doesn't mean you agree with JD Vance. It translates into the fact he probably has a more accurate picture of reality and greater knowledge of the issues facing America than the others. 

You don't have to be a policy or political wonk to understand the ramifications flowing from promoting an empty suit into the role of President.  The sudden ascension of Kamala Harris to the Democratic presidential nominee is a wakeup call to the issue that running mates matter. CNN recently put out an article comparing the Vice President to a backup quarterback and pointing out they need to be ready for the Oval Office if the situation arises. 

When it comes to Presidential candidates and their running mates, the least the voters can expect is a clear picture of the agenda they wish to pursue. Candidates need to give us policies defining where they will take the nation. Platitudes and clever sound bites fall far short of this.         

(A platitude is a statement that is seen as trite, meaningless, or prosaic, aimed at quelling social, emotional, or cognitive unease. For example, "America needs a leader who will build us up rather than tear us down.")

Prior to Vance being selected by Trump few Americans knew his name or anything about him. Whether you like him or not, it only takes a few minutes of listening to Vance to realize he is far more articulate and sharp than Trump, Harris, or Waltz. Few people have the experience to step into the role of President, but being smart and able to clearly voice and support your ideas has a great deal of merit.

Footnote: This link shows every running mate chosen since WWII ---- consider it a "memory refresher" of some rather forgettable charterers.  

(Republishing this article is permitted with reference to Bruce Wilds/AdvancingTime Blog)

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