Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Very Ugly Election Season Has Descended Upon Us!

The very ugly election season has descended upon us. Undeniably, polarization is the word of the day. For many Americans, this is not a rush to pick the best President but to vote for the least worst. This has filled the internet with cheap parody songs attacking Trump or Harris depending on the entertainer's values. Examples of these parodies can be found at the bottom of this post. This post. however, is not about parodies or music. 

The reality is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A big deal is being made as a slew of "Never Trumpers" endorse Harris. At the same time, even more telling is that Robert F Kennedy Jr has suspending his run for the US presidency and announced his  endorsement of Donald Trump. Of course, Harris supporters have tried to spin this as "sour milk" rather than acknowledge the strong opposition Kennedy held to the current Biden-Harris agenda. 

 For years, Kennedy repeatedly condemned Trump, referring to him as a “bully,” who appealed to “bigotry,” “hatred,” “xenophobia” and “prejudice.” Among the chief attacks Kennedy has leveled at Trump through the 2024 campaign is to accuse him of corruption for turning his administration over to corporate lobbyists and special interests and his failure to “drain the swamp.” 

It must be noted, Kennedy and Trump do share similar isolationist views on US foreign policy, government censorship, and the need to address chronic disease in America. Kennedy has, in the past, called Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election appalling and a threat to democracy. He has also argued President Joe Biden has been a bigger threat. He blames Biden for censoring political speech using as an example his Instagram account being banned in 2021 over vaccine misinformation. 

On another note, one of the most open, honest, lucid, truthful, and issue-oriented political discussions I have seen in the modern age. took place in a riveting episode of Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. There, Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate in his 2024 independent presidential campaign, dissected the legacy of Trump's first term and many other topics. Nicole openly shares her vision for government accountability, emphasizing the role of technology in enhancing transparency and productivity. It is a shame how few people will see it. It makes clear the issue of there being a monopoly on the scale of information distribution is perhaps the most important monopoly of them all.

A huge problem looms in the fact neither of America's Presidential candidates is interested in cutting the national debt and slowing our descent.  Dr. Lacy Hunt, former Senior Economist to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, as well as several of the world's largest global banks, is not impressed. He takes the position both Presidential candidates will only make our debt problem worse. 

Over the last few years, we have seen people working less and more people shifting towards taking some type of public support. This has been occurring at a time when productivity has not increased, Adding to America's economic woes is that consumers continue to dig themselves deeper into debt. To be honest, it is difficult to find a Politician anywhere who is advocating an economic path that deals with the problems ahead. They are instead paving the way toward stagflation or inflation.

It appears that Democrats don't get it. Rather than aligning themselves with the American worker, they have formed a coalition made up of the poor, the deep state, and the globalist elites. All these groups have one thing in common, and that is they are willing to sacrifice our future for more money and power today. This is evident in a number of policies rubber-stamped by this coalition that constantly favor big businesses such as Amazon over the far smaller companies that made America famous. 

Giving people money to stay at home and order online is devastating to the brick-and-mortar stores that line the streets of our communities. These are the companies that pay taxes and provide jobs for our friends and families. The major labor shortage and a fall in productivity will have long-lasting implications in the form of future stagflation. 

Today, many smaller businesses struggling under the expensive of ever-changing mandates being placed upon them by those in power.  Already, statistics show that 1-in-4 Americans primarily live on government support. The idea of simply giving these people more money in the hope it will boost consumption is unsustainable because the numbers don't work.

Not only is Biden mentally impaired, but he is a liar and a crook that belongs in jail for selling political favors, and so does much of his family. The idea Democratic voters should swarm to support Harris just because she is not Biden is a bit sick, but what else does she have going for her?  This election highlights the massive flaws in America's election system which was designed over two hundred years ago. A "fair update" is in order, but who would be able to design such a thing in the current political environment? 

It is difficult to say how this election will play out. Most Americans are opposed to corruption, and think weaponizing the Department of Justice to attack political opponents is wrong. Expect high drama. Expect a lot of allegations of this or that party stealing the election. Do not be surprised if America comes across as a banana republic. The only guarantee I will give is that when all is said and done, a huge part of our population will not be happy. 


    The first three examples go after Harris,



   The below parodies hit on Trump ---



 (Republishing of this article welcomed with reference to Bruce Wilds/AdvancingTime Blog)


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