Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mood Altering Drugs For Everyone!

America Is A Pill Popping Nation!
While watching one of the millions of ad's encouraging Americans to "visit their doctor" to ask about getting the latest and best drug available, I came to the conclusion this is getting out of control. It appears that as a society we are giving everyone that wants them the latest mood drug, or anything that will create an up beat and positive buzz. Many people even go so far as to say that people "deserve them" if these "wonder pills" are part of the recipe to happiness. While few can deny that many of these drugs are expensive, and often under tested, they will keep the masses happy and docile.

A strange cultural phenomena that I have a hard time understanding is how mentally attached people are to their drugs. Often they see themselves interconnected with the prescription and become mentally dependent on them. With pride many people talk about their "meds" comparing price and dosages as is it elevates them in society. Could it be the more expensive pills I consume each day the more important I must be to society? Regardless of why, it appears Americans are totally in love with their drugs and their thirst for more seems unquenchable. This is a large part of why healthcare is so expensive in America.   

This is big business. The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets medicines to meet our every need. Cost on different or even the same drug or medication varies drastically depending upon where it is purchased and by whom. In 2011 global spending on prescription drugs topped $954 billion with the United states accounted for more than a third of these sales. America spent a whopping $340 billion. Global sales in 2014 are expected to reach 1.1 trillion dollars as emerging countries such as China, Russia, South Korea, and Mexico demand more and more drugs.

While it should be noted that these drugs can be liver wrecking, heart popping, and cause dizziness as they cause your stomach to spin and churn, I urge you to think of the positives. These drugs have proved capable of improving our sex lives, wiping out depression, and adding bounce to our step. Who cares if this mood alteration is a tad artificial? Who cares if it may have devastating side effects? Who cares if it will cost our bankrupt government billions of dollars? I ask, is this another way to lull us into submission, is this the modern template for happiness?              

Please take a peek at my February 7th post We Are All Slaves, an interesting thought.

Footnote: PBS did a story about how the price of drug prescriptions varied. The cost between pharmacies was almost unbelievable. It is shocking and worth viewing. It can be seen at the link below,

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