Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Colonel Macgregor's View Of Ukrainian War Is Pure Ugly

The war in Ukraine is an issue I have avoided writing about for a while mainly because it is so difficult to get true information about what is happening. This has caused many people to simply look for stories touted as news that reflect their views rather than facts. One thing has become clear and that is that Putin and Russia have not rolled over and been easily defeated. With this in mind, it is time we take a look at what Douglas Macgregor has been saying.

If you believe Colonel Douglas Macgregor the Ukraine war is a shitfest. If you want to call a spade a spade this term is appropriate. Macgregor was recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson and his view and opinion, which few Americans have heard, has merit. Whether you think this war is about turning back Russian aggression, or simply about power and money, Macgregor presents a case few Americans have considered or faced. 

We live in a time and in a world where it is difficult to gain traction when speaking out against the message and propaganda being spewed out by the mainstream media. This has resulted in Macgregor and his views being sidelined. Macgregor paints the war as a meat grinder in which the Ukrainians are being decimated. This means the war is all but over, unless we allow the warmongers to ratchet thing higher.

The warmongers are moving us towards destruction and their motivation must be questioned. Are they stupid, blinded by propaganda, greedy, or what? History shows what has become known as "proxy wars" create profits for companies manufacturing weapons. The cost, of course, is then pawned off on taxpayers and a public preoccupied with personal concerns. The problem we face today is that this may escalate as it becomes clear Ukraine is not winning the war.

This is big, by this, I refer to the situation in Ukraine and what we, as Americans are fomenting. Again, much of it is about power and money. Sadly, this is not the first time we have seen this, and this is not the first war we have entered into that has not made the world better or ended in victory. Still, this conflict is different in that Ukraine has a greater potential to escalate into becoming World War III.

Pursuing a national policy that profits the few at the detriment of the many does not generate good outcomes. Twenty-four minutes into the interview the topic turns to the financial cost of this conflict and America's national debt. Macgregor brings out the ugly numbers of waste flowing out of Washington and what Biden and are leaders are doing to America. 

As the Colonel points out many of the problems our country faces he points out there is little difference between the two political parties. He highlights this by calling the Democrats and the Republicans the Unaparty. Like many Americans he sees the swamp getting richer while the vast part of America gets poorer. Adding to his downcast appraisal of the situation he does not see a white knight coming to save us from the group currently running for president. As far as viewing this war as a shitfest, the Urban Dictionary defines shitfest as:  
  1. 1) An extremely undesirable or unpleasant situation.
  2. 2) An occasion or situation where only bad things are expected to happen, or a situation that is expected to become progressively worse.
  3. 3) A monumental clusterf##k.

Forty-seven minutes into the interview things go totally disgusting when Tucker Carlson plays a tape of the kind of propaganda being broadcast to the masses in Ukraine. Long-time readers of the AdvancingTime blog know it has taken the stand time and time again against the whole Ukrainian thing from the get go. Ukraine has a history of corruption and its current leader who ran as an anti-war candidate is no different. 

Biden's war is a shitfest and train-wreck that few Americans seem willing to confront for what it is. This goes all the way back to President Obama, in April of 2014 an Advancing Time article titled: "War In Ukraine A Bad Idea!" warned against such an endeavor. It noted the now infamous phone comment, "F— the E.U.," by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, which underlines who was pushing an agenda of confrontation.

While some people hold the former President Obama in high esteem, the world has paid dearly for his sins, Remember it was Obama that reassured and almost encouraged the people of Syria to rise up and overthrow their brutal leader. Obama started a series of events that took countless lives and destroyed millions of others. Flowing from Obama's actions are the development of ISIS, the flow of millions of refugees into Europe, and the bombing and destruction of cities and innocent civilians.

As this war drags on Biden continues playing a deadly game and the people of Ukraine are his pawns. Whether Macgregor is right or wrong, the one thing many Americans would agree upon is the money we have spent we havespent in Ukraine could have been put to good use here at home. As of today that figure totals roughly five hundred dollars per man, woman, and child in America. 

(Republishing of this article welcomed with reference to Bruce Wilds/AdvancingTime Blog)

1 comment:

  1. The war started out simply as more Femocrat corrpution. Russia got involved as the Femocrats pushed too far and that then opened up the other front as the standard Democrat move to turn it into yet another liberal racism angle. There is also a good portion of it used to gather as much anti-BRICS sentiments as they can get. The liberal Femocrtas will stop at nothing to stop at this point until Urkrain as been over run. The East and Russia are using it as a way to keep the West drained at this point.
